One of the favorite things about my job is writing about my personal experiences with aesthetic treatments. Before a treatment I do the same research everyone else does, consult “Dr…. read more
I was reminded recently that not everyone has been an aesthetics client as long as or in depth as I have. My daughter and her friends, all mid 30s professional… read more
MAINTANING OUR INVESTMENT AKA PURA’S PREMIER LOYALTY PROGRAM There is a growing trend on the internet for product purchases. When reading about an exciting new mascara, lash growth serum, hair… read more
Once again I find myself looking in the mirror and studying the changes aging has brought to my face. As I analyzed the “not so subtle” changes I harken back… read more
The magic of aging beautifully through the decades. Imagine we had a crystal ball to answer all ourskin care questions? It would warn us to avoid sun exposure, smoking, alife… read more
My face is sagging! There! I said it out loud! Now what? I’ve done all the right things through the decades. Exercised, stayed out of the sun, worn sun block… read more