
Medical weight loss program

what is semaglutide?

If you're done with the constant back and forth of weight loss Semaglutide will be perfect for you! Semaglutide helps you to quickly look and feel your absolute best!

Choosing to invest in yourself and your health is one of the best decisions you can make! Weight loss journeys aren't easy and can take a lot of work, that's why we offer Semaglutide! Semaglutide is an injectable that helps you get to your healthiest, happiest, most confident self easily!


Monthly Weight Loss:

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An overweight woman not fitting in her pants.

How does it work for weight loss?

Semaglutide is an injectable glucagon-like peptide-l (GLP-1) agonist that is administered once weekly for obesity. Semaglutide is proven to be more effective than all previous weight loss medications! 

Semaglutide is an incretin hormone that plays a role in your appetite and digestion. Incretins (hormones released by your small intestine) are sent out by your body after you've eaten a meal to help lower your blood sugar by triggering insulin and blocking other sources of sugar. It also slows down how quickly food leaves your stomach, (gastric emptying.) The result of these actions causes you to feel full - lowering your appetite and causing you to lose weight.

Medications like GLP-1 agonists are referred to as incretin mimetics since they "mimic" these effects. We do this with the lowest effective dosing. We may need to adjust your dose every 2 weeks in order to achieve that goal.

Why we love semaglutide

  • Semaglutide effectively treats obesity and reduces the health dangers caused by obesity.
  • Semaglutide helps you to lose 1-2 lbs/week while still feeling the benefits of the medication; less appetite, cravings, portion sizes.
  • Get the weight off and keep it off!
  • Semaglutide improves your confidence and health.
A woman standing on a scale.

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Before and after Semaglutide image

how do I deal with nausea or constipation?



An image of a woman's abdomen having a Semaglutide treatment injected into it.

Is semaglutide right for you?

Schedule a consultation to find out if Semaglutide is the right choice for you.

You cannot take Semaglutide if you fall under any of the following categories:


Here at Pura, we are focused on providing a consistent outcome for our clients. They know exactly what they can expect when they walk through our doors. We focus on cultivating a caring, family-like atmosphere within our practice amongst both our clients and our team.

We're dedicated to providing personalized care to clients from all cultural backgrounds. We believe that everyone is naturally beautiful and unique in their own way and we also understand that most people have insecurities that can hold them back in their life. Our purpose is to enhance your natural beauty and to give you the confidence that you need and deserve.

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